Catalogue Auction Information

Auction of Cricket, Football, Golf & Sporting Memorabilia - Live Three Day Auction (#16) 29/11/2024 10:30 AM GMT Closed

Starts Ending 29/11/2024 10:30 AM GMT

Auction Info

Lot #1218International tennis players 1970s. Twenty nine original mono press photographs of players, the majority in match action with some portraits. Players include Brian Gottfried, Marita Redondo, Peter Fleming, John Lloyd, Frew McMillan, Tim Gullikson, Maria Bueno, Barbara Potter, Kathy Harter, Ilana Kloss, Diane Fromholtz, Ross Case, Evonne Cawley, Manuel Santana, Clark Graebner etc. Agencies include Universal Pictorial Press, Central Press, A. Nesbit etc. All approx. 6”x4”. Very good condition.

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Lot closed - unsold
Estimate: £30 - £50


  • International tennis players 1970s. Twenty nine original mono press photographs of players, the majority in match action with some portraits. Players include Brian Gottfried, Marita Redondo, Peter Fleming, John Lloyd, Frew McMillan, Tim Gullikson, Maria B